A book for Israel Sympathisers
Book review of Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion
Book review of Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion
It is easy and safe. Public transport makes travel to Palestine particularly easy.
The Occupation is an all encompassing term that does a great job of defining the problem here but it is many other nuanced terms/concepts that… Continued reading Glossary of Terms
There are quiet a few of these Brief History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict videos out there. This recent one by Vox is surely one of… Continued reading Israel-Palestine conflict in ten minutes
Completely razed thrice and parts of the village torn down multiple times, Susiya stands only to face more demolition. Every frail and rickety structure that… Continued reading Susiya II
A handful of ramshackle tents dot a tiny limestone hill off Highway 317 in the West Bank. As I hike up, the first thing that… Continued reading Susiya: In the Beginning…