April Travel and Reading Updates
I have no excuse for why I did not update my blog for over a month. Before the month of May kicks in and my… Continued reading April Travel and Reading Updates
I have no excuse for why I did not update my blog for over a month. Before the month of May kicks in and my… Continued reading April Travel and Reading Updates
The Occupation is an all encompassing term that does a great job of defining the problem here but it is many other nuanced terms/concepts that… Continued reading Glossary of Terms
Completely razed thrice and parts of the village torn down multiple times, Susiya stands only to face more demolition. Every frail and rickety structure that… Continued reading Susiya II
A handful of ramshackle tents dot a tiny limestone hill off Highway 317 in the West Bank. As I hike up, the first thing that… Continued reading Susiya: In the Beginning…
Last week I ventured into the West Bank or as I prefer to call it Palestine. It seems unfair to refer to it as the… Continued reading Nablus: First impressions of Palestine
My foot would never step in the West Bank. (long pause) Because, as an Israeli, I don’t think I should be setting foot there. –… Continued reading Israel in the words of her people